This time the aim of the meeting was to discuss methodological and practical problems associated with the modelling of large-scale systems and new approaches in Interactive decision analysis based on advanced Information processing systems.The meetings on multicriteria, interactive decision analysis that have been organized and supported by IIASA have established a tradition of an outstanding level of scientific discussions. This supplements the International Conferences on MCDM (multiple criteria decision making) in creating a unique forum for exchanging new research results between scientists from East and West that provides valuable ideas for future research, consistent with the goals of IIASA. Especially important, besides the broad representation of research results from planned economy countries, Is the growing Interest of participants from advanced Industrial countries, e.g. Japan, the USA and many countries of Western Europe: this might be an Indication of Increasing Interest In an organized exchange of scientific results between East and West. In this sense, the Wartburg Workshop prOVided also a convenient forum for a discussion and consensus-building on future activities in this scientific area.With regard to the scientific results of the meeting, the following conclusions could be stressed:In the development of methodology of solving and analyzing multicriteria decision problems, one can observe consolidation tendencies, mature examples of comparison of existing methods and solution principles, as well as interesting methods of comparing alternative decisions. Further attention should be given to solving problems under uncertainty, with several decision makers and to corresponding problems in the social sciences and mathematical psychology. The fast development of Information and knowledge processing technology provides a basis for the Integration of many stages of systems analysis, starting from modelling through model simulation, analysis and optimization up to decision analysis and structuring of decision processes. These directions of Integrated processing of numerical, symbolic and graphical information should be intensively developed further by intensifying the research on software modules and robust optimization algorithms for the analysis of decision problems. Many cases of applications presented at the Workshop have the mature character of concrete investigations of substantive problems from several disciplines, e.g. economics, energy, transportation. environmental studies or health services and have thus gone far beyond the early stage academic examples. Parl I conlains papers dealing wilh ulilily and game lheory, muLlicrileria oplimizalion lheory and inleraclive procedures, dynamic models/syslems and concepls of mullicrlleria analysis. In Parl II are papers combined dealing wilh lhe user-machine Inlerface, inlelligenl (user-friendly) decision supporl and problems of compulallonal aspecls. Conlrlbullons wllh applicalions are mainly concenlraled in Parl III bul can also be found In several pa...