Nitrogen fixation by legumes like faba bean is a cheap way of fixing atmospheric nitrogen to plant available form. However, the inoculation of grain legumes with rhizobium bacteria along with the addition of micronutrients is poorly researched in Amhara Region of Ethiopia. Thus a study to examine the effects of rhizobium leguminosarum (var vicae) strains and micronutrients on nodulation, growth, and yield of faba bean was conducted in Wereillu district of Amhara Region, Ethiopia during the rainy season of 2018. The treatments comprised three faba bean strains (un-inoculated, EAL-1018, EAL-1035 and EAL-17) and two micro nutrients (without, zinc, boron) arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The collected data on yield and yield-related parameters were analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (2003), version 9.1 and subjected to Duncan's Multiple Range Test for mean separation when the analysis of variance was significant. The mean separation revealed that the combined effect of EAL-1018 and boron brought significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher difference on nodule number, nodulation volume, nodule dry weight, biomass yield and grain yield compared to the control. The combined effect of faba bean strain, EAL-1018 and boron gave Samuel Adissie ABOUT THE AUTHORS Samuel Adissie is a researcher in Amhara agricultural research institute, Ethiopia. He has been researching built-in soil fertility management, water management, soil fertility characterization, nutrient stability, problematic soil management, soil micro biology, soil and water management related areas.Enyew Adgo (PhD) is working for Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia at the capacity of full professor in Soil Fertility Management. His area of research focus includes soils, soil erosion and carbon dynamics and land resilience at large.Tesfaye Feyisa (PhD) is senior researcher in soil fertility and plant nutrition at Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI). He has conducted various researches on soil fertility management (through inorganic and organic amendments), soil acidity management, integrated soil fertility management and soil quality indicators. Currently, he is a director for Soil and Water Research Directorate at ARARI.