Suspension cultures of Taxus yunnanensis cells were inoculated with cells of different culture ages (12-24 days) at various densities [50-250 g fresh weight (fw)/l], and treated (on day 7) with a mixture of elicitors, including Ag(+), chitosan and methyl jasmonate. The biomass productivity (during the production stage) increased dramatically with inoculum size, but decreased with inoculum age over 16 days. The volumetric yield and productivity of taxol (paclitaxel) also increased with inoculum size, while the specific taxol yield (per cell) was mainly dependent on inoculum age, with an optimum of 20 days, during the early stationary phase. The highest taxol yield and productivity, 39.8 mg/l and 1.9 mg/l per day, respectively, were obtained with a 20-day-old inoculum at 200 g fw/l. Taxol excretion by the cells increased with inoculum age but decreased with inoculum size. The elicitor-induced activities of catalase (CAT) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) also depended mainly on inoculum age; higher PAL activity and lower CAT activity were obtained with an older inoculum, corresponding to a higher taxol yield. The results show that both inoculum size and age are important variables for taxol production, though the latter more profoundly influences elicitor-induced taxol biosynthesis of the cells. Inoculum size and age are also interrelated and should be optimized together in a two-stage culture process.