This study examines the strategic role of Islamic religious education in enhancing social media literacy among young generations in the digital age. Using a qualitative approach through library research, the study explores how Islamic education can contribute to developing critical thinking skills, ethical behavior, and responsible use of social media platforms. The research findings highlight three main roles of Islamic education: shaping character and attitudes aligned with Islamic values in social media usage, integrating learning materials on social media ethics, and fostering awareness of the impact of social media on personal development and society. Furthermore, the study identifies key strategies for implementing social media literacy in Islamic education, including curriculum integration, utilizing social media as a learning tool, and developing critical thinking skills. The research concludes that Islamic education has significant potential in preparing young generations to face the challenges of the digital era by instilling Islamic principles such as tabayyun (verification), tadabbur (contemplation), and tabarruk (seeking blessings) in their online interactions. This holistic approach is expected to contribute to forming a generation of Muslims who are literate, critical, and responsible in their use of social media.