The Holocene, starting approximately 11.7 cal ka, is characterized by distinct periods of warming and cooling. Despite these known climate events, few temperature proxy data exist in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. One potential record of past water temperatures is preserved in the marine fossil record. Shell growth of ocean quahogs ( Arctica islandica), a long-lived bivalve, can provide records of past environmental conditions. Arctica islandica habitat includes the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB), an area rapidly warming as a consequence of climate change. The Cold Pool, a bottom-trapped water mass on the outer continental shelf within the MAB, rarely rises above 15°C. Ocean quahogs inhabiting the MAB are confined to the Cold Pool as a consequence of an upper thermal limit for the species of ~15–16°C. Recently, dead A. islandica shells were discovered outside of the species’ present-day range, suggesting that the Cold Pool once extended further inshore than now observed. Shells collected off the Delmarva Peninsula were radiocarbon-dated to identify the timing of habitation and biogeographic range shifts. Dead shell ages range from 4400 to 60 cal BP, including ages representing four major Holocene cold events. Nearly absent from this record are shells from the intermittent warm periods. Radiocarbon ages indicate that ocean quahogs, contemporaneous with the present MAB populations, were living inshore of their present-day distribution during the past 200 years. This overlap suggests the initiation of a recent biogeographic range shift that occurred as a result of a regression of the Cold Pool following the Little Ice Age.