Interchain hopping in systems of coupled chains of correlated electrons is investigated by exact diagonalizations and Quantum-Monte-Carlo methods. For two weakly coupled Hubbard chains at commensurate densities (e.g. n=1/3) the splitting at the Fermi level between bonding and antibonding bands is strongly reduced (but not suppressed) by repulsive interactions extending to a few lattice spacings. The magnitude of this reduction is directly connected to the exponent α of the 1D Luttinger liquid. However, we show that the incoherent part of the single particle spectral function is much less affected by the interchain coupling. This suggests that incoherent interchain hopping could occur for intermediate α values.PACS Numbers: 71.27.+a, 71.38.+i, 74.20.Mn, 74.25.Kc The possible occurence of incoherent single-particle hopping in strongly correlated systems is presently actively debated. Such an unusual behavior could, for example, explain the unconventional c-axis conductivity found in two-layered high-T c compounds [1]. In addition, the high transition temperatures of these materials may also be connected to incoherent hopping [2]: as a consequence of incoherence, the coupled planes can lower the total energy by coherent pair-hopping processes, leading to an amplification of the tendency towards superconducting pairing.Perturbation and renormalisation-group treatments [3][4][5] of the transverse hopping between chains reveals that the key parameter which governs interchain hopping is the non-universal exponent α of the 1D Luttinger liquid (LL) [6] characterizing the low frequency behavior of the density of state N (ω) ∼ ω α . For α ≥ 1, ie for sufficiently strong interaction, the interchain hopping becomes irrelevant. Recently Clarke, Strong and Anderson [7] suggested a somewhat different criterium: let us consider, for (real) times τ < 0, a system of two decoupled chains with different electron numbers on each chain in some initial state |Ψ 0 . Then, if the interchain hopping t ⊥ is switched on at τ = 0 two different behaviors can be observed: the quantity P (τ ) = |A(τ )| 2 , with A(τ ) = Ψ 0 |e iHτ |Ψ 0 corresponding to the probability for the system to be in its initial state, at a later time τ > 0 might show oscillatory or monotoneous behaviors characterizing "coherent" or "incoherent" interchain hopping, respectively. It was suggested that such an incoherent behavior could occur at values of α as small as 0.5.The first numerical attempt to examine the question of coherent versus incoherent single particle hopping was initiated by two of us [8]. By exact diagonalizations of two coupled t-J chains, an interesting connection between coherence and integrability was found. However, it should be emphasized that, in this approach, the initial state |Ψ 0 at τ = 0 is far from equilibrium. Indeed, constructing the whole system with t ⊥ = 0 corresponds to a macroscopic perturbation for the full hamiltonian (including the tranverse hopping). Interchain single particle hopping in the true GS (t ⊥ = 0) is still an open q...