Various meteor and fireball networks exist worldwide. Most data sets which include ground-based observational data of meteors are affected by biases. The larger and faster the entering meteoroid, the brighter is the produced meteor. Hence, small and slow objects often stay undetected. This bias of meteor observations towards faster meteoroids is a challenge if quantitative population and flux models are derived. In this work the velocity distribution of objects in space is analysed by using different data sets that are not affected by this velocity bias since they include only large objects, like the near-Earth Oldenburg, 14 November 2019 NEMO-PA-004_1_2_velocity-distributions 2 object (NEO) risk list of ESA's (European Space Agency) SSA (Space Situational Awareness) near-Earth object Coordination Centre (NEOCC), and the fireballs in NASA's (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) CNEOS (Center for near-Earth object Studies) JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) fireball database. Additionally, when only the largest objects recorded with the CILBO (Canary Island Long-Baseline Observatory) camera setup were analysed, a very similar distribution was shown. These velocity distributions are in good agreement with a widely used velocity distribution for smaller sporadic meteoroids in free space which was adopted as reference by the ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardisation) Space Environment Standard. cometary coma (Moorhead et al., 2014). The influx of larger objects, starting at a size of a few metres, is relevant for the topic of Planetary Defence, as these may cause damage on our planet. When a meteoroid or small asteroid enters the Earth's Atmosphere it ablates and excites the surrounding air. This leads to a visible meteor or fireball (a meteor brighter than magnitude-4). The brightness of a meteor or fireball depends mainly on the mass and velocity of the impacting object. Especially, it is a strong function of the velocity. This holds true for radar or optical meteors alike. There are various publications and formulas which relate the mass and velocity of the impactor to resulting meteor brightness, see e.g. Verniani (1973), Ceplecha and McCrosky (1976), Halliday et al. (1996), or Weryk and Brown (2013). A common feature of all these formulas is a strong dependence on the impact speed. This strong dependence of the brightness on velocity introduces a clear bias towards meteoroids with higher velocities. This is most obvious for meteor showers which usually have high impact velocities. The enhanced meteor activity during such streams is mainly resulting from the high impact velocity which makes smaller, and more abundant, objects visible as meteors. At lower velocities the meteoroid streams would be hardly noticeable within the sporadic background population. Velocities of meteoroids entering the Earth's Atmosphere can range from about 11 km/s to above 73 km/s. The gravitational attraction of Earth determines the lower limit of this range, particles on interplanetary trajectories hit Earth with spee...