“…It should also be noted that Roberts and Mitchell (1972) did not find evidence of greater metabolism of the labelled amino acids when the co~ds were preincubtted for 40 minut~s in the presence of either (1 C)-glycine, 1-(1 C)serine or L-(14C)glutamate. For instance, in view of their positive results after the stimulation of the rostral cord, one would have expected (14C)glycine to be released in their experim~nts in which incubations were carried out in the presence of L-(14C)serine, since the latter is readily converted to glycine (Shank and Aprison, 1970a;McBride et al, 1973). Mulder and Snyder (1974) have shown that a glycine-pool labelled by the high affinity uptake system, is more efficiently released from rat spinal cord slices, than cortex slices upon stimulation in vitro by ~.…”