This article examines the role of cultural awareness (CA) and intercultural awareness (ICA) in classroom theory and practice. CA and ICA can be roughly characterised as an awareness of the role of culture in communication with CA focused on national cultures and ICA on more dynamic and flexible relationships between languages and cultures. There will be a consideration of findings from CA and ICA research that have not been well applied, those that have been well applied and those that have been over applied to classrooms. In particular, it will be argued that CA and ICA are more prevalent in pedagogic theory, and to a lesser extent policy, than they are in practice. While the cultural dimension to language learning is now fairly mainstream, where elements of CA and ICA are applied or translated into the classroom they typically take the form of comparisons between national cultures, often in essentialist forms. There is still little evidence of classroom practice that relates to the fluid ways cultures and languages are related in intercultural communication, especially for English as a lingua franca or other languages used on a global scale.Will Baker is a lecturer in modern languages and deputy director of the Centre for Global Englishes at the University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, Hampshire, UK, where he teaches and supervises research in applied linguistics, global Englishes and intercultural communication. He has also taught English in the UK and Thailand. His research interests include intercultural communication, intercultural awareness, English as a lingua franca, ELT and e-learning and he has published and presented internationally in all these areas. 2
IntroductionCulture has long been part of second language (L2) teaching and learning whether through a focus on the literature written in the chosen target language or an interest in the country, people and traditions associated with the language. However, with the socio-cultural turn in applied linguistics, the last few decades have seen an accompanying rise in interest in the cultural dimension to language teaching and learning exemplified in such seminal writings as Kramsch (1993;1998) and particularly Byram's (1997) intercultural communicative competence framework. Nonetheless, the influence these and other theoretical and empirical studies have had on teaching practice at the 'chalk-face' is still debatable. In this article I will examine the extent to which research findings have been applied, where this has been done well, where it has not, and where the findings have been over-applied. Such an evaluation will necessarily be subjective, and I will draw on my own experiences of teaching master's level courses in the UK to language teachers from around the world, as well as my experiences of and continued interest in English language teaching (ELT) in Thailand. At the same time though, I will relate these experiences to what we currently understand through research about the role of cultural and intercultural awareness in L2 use and learn...