“…At the same time, from the point of view of the cognitive approach it is necessary to be ready to interact, to objectively explain what common and different between the representatives of different ethnic groups in the student environment and society as a whole. Numerous problems of interethnic relations in the society increasingly require new scientific approaches to the study of a student as a personality (Merzlyakova & Bibarsova, 2017), capable and willing to a positive interethnic interaction on the basis of socially significant https: //dx.doi.org/ 10.15405/epsbs.2019.04.02.18 Corresponding Author: Dmitry S. Batarchuk Selection and peer-review under (Aristova, Berdysheva, Kritarova, 2017) has a high level of multiculturalism. The problem of personality development in the interethnic interaction is studied by psychologists, teachers, and philosophers (Gukalenko & Pustovoitov, 2017;Khakimov, 2011;Khotinets, 2014Khotinets, , 2017Koval & Sakhno, 2015;Lipsky, 2004;Lukina, 2016;Mikheeva, 2018).…”