Aging is driven by subcellular processes that are relatively well-understood. However the qualitative mechanisms and quantitative dynamics of how these micro-level failures cascade to a macro-level catastrophe in a tissue or organs remain largely unexplored. Here we experimentally and theoretically study how cell failure propagates in a synthetic tissue in the presence of advective flow. We argue that cells secrete cooperative factors, thereby forming a network of interdependence governed by diffusion and flow, which fails with a propagating front parallel to advective circulation. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22The aging and death of an organism is typically attributed 23 to subcellular mechanisms such as reactive oxygen species 24 damage or slowing down of tissue repair due to shortening 25 telomeres. However, an organism does not die because it 26 gradually runs out of cells, but rather, cellular level failures 27 cascade to tissues and organs that lead to a relatively sudden 28 systemic catastrophe. While microscopic mechanisms of cel-29 lular malfunction are relatively well studied (1-4), how failure 30 spreads from the subcellular level to tissues and organs and 31 ultimately the organism is largely unknown.
32In (5) the failure of an organism was modeled as a reli-33 ability circuit where cells within an organ are connected by 34 OR gates, so that an organ fails when all its cells fail), and the 35 organs are connected by AND gates, so that organism dies as 36 soon as one organ fails. In (6), aging was described as failures 37 taking place on a complex network of interdependent building 38 blocks. Here, when a node in the network malfunctions, so will 39 those that depend on it. As a result, few random microscopic 40 failures can propagate into many others, ultimately leading to 41 a catastrophe. (6) could bridge micro scale malfunctions with 42 their experimentally observed macroscopic manifestations 43 such as organismic death and population demographics, and 44fit experimental data such as (7) and (8) (also cf. appendix of 45 (9)). The network models have also been insightful in studying 46 frailty (10, 11).
47While describing a complex organ or an entire organism 48 as a random network of interdependencies is a useful start-49 ing point to understand how it fails (12), it is also a rather 50 crude oversimplification. First, in real biological systems, the 51 large-scale structure of interdependence network is far from 52 "random". Secondly, there can be varying amounts and varying 53 types of dependencies. In an actual complex biological system, 54 the exchange of signals and goods between cells occurs via 55 either diffusion or complex patterns of vascular circulation. 56 As such, biophysically grounded analogs of interdependence 57 networks are necessary. 58 Such biophysical extensions have been investigated ex-59 perimentally (13) and theoretically (14) to understand how 60 failure propagates through tissues, as mediated by the loss 61 of diffusing cooperative factors. These cooperative factors ...