The diffusion of transition metal solutes in nickel has been studied using quantum-mechanical first principles methods, and the predictions compared critically with the experimental data available in the literature. For the 4d and 5d rows which contain Ru and Re respectively, diffusion rates are largest for elements at the far west and far east of the d-block of transition metals. The calculations reveal that this is due to a significant barrier energy for solute-vacancy exchange for elements residing at the centre of the period, e.g. Ru and Re, despite their displaying atomic sizes which are closest to that of Ni. Thus it is demonstrated conclusively that the underlying electronic bonding controls the rate of diffusion. Elements such as Ru and Re are amongst the most dense and least compressible of the transition metals due to their configuration of electrons -when alloyed with Ni this causes directional and incompressible Ni-Ru and Ni-Re bonds to be formed which hinder vacancy migration. These effects dominate over any differences in the vacancy-solute binding energy and any influence of the atomic radius of the solute. In this respect, the results disprove the traditional view that diffusion of substitutional solutes is least rapid when the size misfit with the host is the greatest. The trends for the 3d row are also studied, and it is shown that magnetism has a profound effect. Finally, if the theoretical results are to be rationalised with the experimental data, it is demonstrated that the correlation factor -which accounts for diffusional jumps in the reverse direction -should be included in the model. The results explain why some elements -for example Re -have a strong effect on the high temperature properties of the superalloys, and provide insights for future alloy design efforts.