Résumé. -La méthode de l'investigation de la diffusion des défauts atomiques dans les cristaux ioniques cubiques par mesure de la relaxation nucléaire magnétique est très brièvement décrite. Des exemples sont donnés pour la relaxation longitudinale et transversale des noyaux 81 In TIBr at 400 °C the foreign ions K + , Rb+ and Cs+ have the same mean jump frequency. This frequency is about 3 times larger than that of Tl + and 3 times smaller than that of Br -. Ag + diffuses at 300 °C, 10 times faster than even Br-.In AgCl doped with CuCl the frequency of formation of a defect pair (CUJVAE) is observed. The jump processes connected with formation and recombination of this pair do not contribute considerably to Cu tracer diffusion.In AgBr doped with CuBr and treated with bromine the relaxation measurements show that Cu 2+ -ions are formed. The jump frequency of Cu 2+ can be determined besides that of Cu + at temperatures about 200 °C.1. Introduction. -The diffusion of atomic defects in cubic crystals can be studied by nuclear magnetic resonance techniques provided the nuclei of a main constituent have an electric quadrupole moment. The most important quantity in this context is the correlation time T of the relative diffusive motion between the defects (D) and the relevant main constituent (A) for which the nmr-signals are recorded. Pronounced peaks in nuclear magnetic relaxation rates can be observed in that temperature region, in which the reciprocal of the correlation time % is of the same magnitude as the nuclear Larmor-frequency co L = 2 nv L in the applied magnetic field. Responsible for this type of relaxation is the interaction between the quadrupole moments of species A and the electric field gradients produced by the defects D. This interaction is fluctuating in time and intensity because