CHAMELEONS (Championing A Multi-Sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New Pathways for Doctoral Students, H2020-SwafS-2018-2020), is a programme of 3 EU-funded interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and international modules that aimed to broaden the skills of PhD graduates improving their employability in academic and non-academic environments. Fifteen doctoral students from five European universities were recruited. This chapter represents evaluation conducted on all 3 modules. In terms of programme content, students perceived that real-time assessment, reflective learning, engagement with course coordinators and the opportunity to engage with practical research tools (Photovoice, Ecosystem Mapping and Walk My ID) all enhanced their learning. They suggested more group activities to enable them to better network with their doctoral colleagues as well as more practical activities. In terms of programme delivery students expressed a desire to have more physical face-to-face engagements while understanding the Covid-19 constraints. When given the opportunity to add freeform and unprompted comments, students almost without exception expressed their satisfaction with and appreciation for the modules. In terms of programme outcomes one student expressed an aspiration to be "more sure" of their skill set and marketability complimenting the focus on practical learning in the programme content review.