The field of professional interests is wide and complex, circumscribed by different theoretical and technical perspectives, having impact in the construction of individuals' career. In this context, this research aimed to describe professional interests and inclinations in students of different levels of education through instruments of psychological assessment (Berufsbilder Test BBT-Br, and Self-Directed Search SDS), as well as assess psychometric characteristics of these measures in the North region of Brazil. The sample was comprised of 729 students from public and private schools in the city of Manaus (AM), that were attending the last year of fundamental school (9 th grade), middle school (1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd years) and 3 rd year of technical education, equally distributed for gender. Instruments were administered within the school context, after formal authorizations were obtained, along with the Brazil Economic Classification Questionnaire to sample description. The results, after patterned systematization in each instrument, were first analyzed for the description of all sample, on the variables gender, age, school level and school origin (public vs. private school). Following, inferential analysis of possible effects of the sociodemographic profile on professional interests and inclinations were tested, as well as the psychometric properties of BBT-Br and SDS. The results for BBT-Br pointed to a general tendency of students' interests (of different educational levels and both sexes) to activities involving abstract/creative reasoning and social sense/help to others (respectively represented by radical G and S). On SDS, the featured typology was the Social type (interest in professional activities of help and teaching), for all school levels, for females group, and Entrepreneur type (leadership, interpersonal relationships, and persuasive activities) for males group. Specific patterns of the expression of interests in the North region emerged in comparison to normative data available of Southeast region, for both tests, with some points of motivational convergence. About psychometric qualities of the measures, good indicators of reliability (Cronbach's alpha of .84 for females and .85 for males on the BBT-Br; and .78 for females and .79 for males on SDS), as well as validity (principal component analysis and correlation between results on BBT-Br and SDS). This study contributes to the comprehension of vocational and professional interests of students in the city of Manaus (AM) when comparing to data available from the Southeast region of Brazil, demonstrating positive indicators of validity for both tests, to its use in the North region context. Some reflections about the data intended to contribute with suggestions about the process of vocational and professional orientation to students of 9th grade of fundamental school, middle school, and technical education, in order to stimulate professional choices that promote mental health and self-fulfillment, scientifically and educationally, for individuals of...