Hydrolysis of surfactant phospholipids by secreted phospholipases A2 (sPLA2) contributes to surfactant dysfunction in acute respiratory distress syndrome. The present study demonstrates that sPLA2-IIA, sPLA2-V, and sPLA2-X efficiently hydrolyze surfactant phospholipids in vitro. In contrast, sPLA2-IIC, -IID, -IIE, and -IIF have no effect. Since purified surfactant protein A (SP-A) has been shown to inhibit sPLA2-IIA activity, we investigated the in vitro effect of SP-A on the other active sPLA2 and the consequences of sPLA2-IIA inhibition by SP-A on surfactant phospholipid hydrolysis. SP-A inhibits sPLA2-X activity, but fails to interfere with that of sPLA2-V. Moreover, in vitro inhibition of sPLA2-IIA-induces surfactant phospholipid hydrolysis correlates with the concentration of SP-A in surfactant. Intratracheal administration of sPLA2-IIA to mice causes hydrolysis of surfactant phosphatidylglycerol. Interestingly, such hydrolysis is significantly higher for SP-A gene-targeted mice, showing the in vivo inhibitory effect of SP-A on sPLA2-IIA activity. Administration of sPLA2-IIA also induces respiratory distress, which is more pronounced in SP-A gene-targeted mice than in wild-type mice. We conclude that SP-A inhibits sPLA2 activity, which may play a protective role by maintaining surfactant integrity during lung injury.