We present a theory of measurement-induced interference for weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) gases. The many-body state resulting from the evolution of an initial fragmented (Fock) state can be approximated as a continuous superposition of Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) states; the measurement breaks the initial phase symmetry, producing a distribution pattern corresponding to only one of the GP solutions. We discuss also analytically solvable models, such as two-mode on-chip adiabatic recombination and soliton generation in quasi one-dimensional condensates.PACS numbers: 03.75.Kk A long-standing fundamental problem in theoretical physics is to understand how relative phases are established between superfluids that have never been in contact with each other [1]. In the case of atomic BoseEinstein condensates, the first experiment of the sort was done already a decade ago [2]; strangely though, the data could be reproduced simply by assuming a phase relation between the initial condensates and using the time-dependent GP equation [3]. It soon became acknowledged, following a number of elegant proofs for the noninteracting case [4,5], that the U(1) phase symmetry is broken by the measurement process itself. Since at the time of the measurement the density of the expanding condensates is relatively low, it is assumed that the situation is for all practical purposes equivalent to the noninteracting case. Since However, in the interacting case the situation has proven to be more complicated: on one hand, it is known that interaction within each cloud tends to delocalize the phase between two condensates, leading to squeezing and to other effects similar to the Josephson effect in superconductors [9]. But BEC interference experiments require overlap of the atomic clouds, therefore the physics at work might well be different. If atoms originating from the initially independent clouds interact, it is not even clear in what sense, at the measurement time, we can talk about condensates that have not seen each other. Since fragmented states are not robust to certain classes of perturbations, it could well happen that the interaction itself would lead to phase localization [10]. Moreover, for repulsive interactions a typically phase-coherent ground state is energetically favored [9,11]. Very recently, some authors have calculated, using standard many-body techniques [12] the average of the density operator on evolving fragmented states and found out that in the interacting case the average of the density operator could display ripples which look somewhat similar to the fringes ob- * Electronic address: paraoanu@cc.hut.fi served in atomic interference experiments. It is yet not clear if a phase-coherent condensate is formed due to interactions before the measurement starts [12]. Could it be then the case that what is detected in BEC interference experiments with interaction is in fact the density and not higher-order correlations?In this paper, we present a theoretical approach that takes into account both the eff...