Bloch band and stabilities of Bloch waves of superfluid Fermi gases in one-dimensional (1D) periodic optical lattices are discussed. Within the hydrodynamical theory and the two-mode approximation, the Bloch band structure, the energetic and dynamical instabilities of Bloch waves at the first Brilliouin zone are presented. The results show that, when the atom density is beyond a critical value, a loop structure in the Bloch band at the zone edge is developed along the BEC-BCS crossover. The Bloch band structure and the stabilities of Bloch waves are modified dramatically when the system crosses from the BEC side to the BCS side, and they can be adjusted to the required characteristics by changing the atom's interaction (with the Feshbach resonance technique), the atom density, and the lattice parameters. The analytical expressions of the critical atom density for exciting the loop structure and maintaining the stabilities of Bloch waves are obtained.