We have applied an optical method to the measurement of the 2S hyperfine interval in atomic hydrogen. The interval has been measured by means of two-photon spectroscopy of the 1S − 2S transition on a hydrogen atomic beam shielded from external magnetic fields. The measured value of the 2S hyperfine interval is equal to 177 556 860(15) Hz and represents the most precise measurement of this interval to date. The theoretical evaluation of the specific combination of 1S and 2S hyperfine intervals D21 is in moderately good agreement with the value for D21 deduced from our measurement. PACS numbers: 12.20.Fv, 32.10.Fn, 32.30.Jc, 42.62.Fi The frequency of the 2S hyperfine interval f HFS (2S) has been measured twice during the last 50 years by driving the magnetic-dipole radio-frequency transition in a hydrogen thermal beam [1,2]. The relative accuracy of these measurements (150−300 ppb) exceeds the accuracy of the theoretical prediction for the 2S hyperfine interval which is restricted by an insufficient knowledge of the proton structure. However, the specific combination of the 1S and 2S hyperfine intervalscan be calculated with high precision due to significant cancellations of nuclear structure effects (see [3] For the measurement of the 2S hyperfine interval in atomic hydrogen we have applied 1S − 2S two-photon spectroscopy to a cold hydrogen atomic beam which is shielded from magnetic fields. Using a high-finesse cavity as a frequency flywheel we deduce the 2S hyperfine interval as the frequency difference between two extremely stable laser light fields which excite the respective transitions between the different hyperfine sublevels of the 1S and 2S states in atomic hydrogen. The differential measurement cancels some important systematic effects typical for two-photon spectroscopy on atomic beams. Applying this optical method, we achieve a level of accuracy which is nearly 2 times better than the accuracy of the recent radio-frequency measurement [2]. Along with the previous optical Lamb shift measurement [6], our present measurement demonstrates the perspectives of precision optical methods in fields where traditionally radio-frequency techniques have been used.The hydrogen spectrometer setup, described in detail elsewhere [7], has been modified by magnetic compensation and shielding systems and an optional differential pumping system [8]. A dye laser operating near 486 nm is locked to an ultra-stable reference cavity made from ULE by means of the Pound-Drever-Hall lock. The drift of the cavity, suspended in a vacuum chamber with a two-stage active temperature stabilization system, is typically 0.5 Hz/s.The frequency of the dye laser light is doubled in a β-barium borate crystal, and the resulting UV radiation near 243 nm is coupled into a linear enhancement cavity inside a vacuum chamber. Atomic hydrogen, produced in a radio-frequency discharge at a pressure of around 1 mbar, flows through teflon tubes to a copper nozzle cooled to 5 K with a helium flow-through cryostat. Hydrogen atoms thermalize in inelast...