It is commonly assumed that the visual resolution limit must be equal to or less than the Nyquist frequency of the cone mosaic. However, under some conditions, observers can see fine patterns at the correct orientation when viewing interference fringes with spatial frequencies that are as much as about 1.5 times higher than the nominal Nyquist frequency of the underlying cone mosaic. The existence of this visual ability demands a closer scrutiny of the sampling effects of the cone mosaic and the information that is sufficient for an observer to resolve a sinusoidal grating. The Nyquist frequency specifies which images can be reconstructed without aliasing by an imaging system that samples discretely. However, it is not a theoretical upper bound for psychophysical measures of visual resolution because the observer's criteria for resolving sinusoidal gratings are less stringent than the criteria specified by the sampling theorem for perfect, alias-free image reconstruction.There are at least two reasons to measure the visual resolution limit. First, the visual resolution limit is one of many benchmarks that specify the limits of human visual performance. A more interesting reason is that such measurements might allow us to draw inferences about the underlying architecture of the visual system. In this paper we address difficulties that arise in comparing visual resolution with the theoretical resolution limit of the cone mosaic. The theoretical tool often invoked for this purpose is the sampling theorem.1 ' 2 It states that a band-limited signal that is sampled at regular intervals can be completely recovered from the sample values without aliasing if the highest frequency in the signal does not exceed 1/2s, where s is the spacing between samples. This critical frequency is commonly called the Nyquist limit of the sampling array. Attempts to relate visual acuity to the anatomical spacing of photoreceptors have treated the Nyquist frequency of the cone mosaic as a theoretical upper bound on the visual resolution of the entire visual system. 3 -5 Coletta and Williams 6 introduced a psychophysical technique for estimating cone spacing outside the fovea, complementing another technique for measuring cone spacing in the living fovea.7 ' 8 These techniques make possible a comparison of cone spacing with measurements of visual resolution in the same retinal locations of the same observers. Such a comparison could disentangle the limitations imposed by the cone mosaic and postreceptoral mechanisms across the retina. In order to determine whether the cone mosaic can determine the resolution limit of the visual system as a whole, one must employ a psychophysical technique that pushes the cone mosaic to its own theoretical limits. Under many conditions of ordinary viewing, the spacing of cones does not limit resolution. Vision at low light levels or with improper refraction are familiar examples. The use of interference fringe stimuli minimizes optical blurring, and the use of high intensities reduces quantum and neural l...