SUMMARYIntracerebral infection of adult immunocompetent mice with most strains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) caused a systemic infection and led to severe meningoencephalitis and death due to the induced T cell immune response. The susceptibility of congenic mice to the two plaque variants Docile and Aggressive of LCMV strain UBC was shown to be mouse strain-dependent. To investigate the possible correlation between acid-stable interferon (IFN) and natural killer (NK) cell responses and the susceptibility to the two UBC LCMV substrains, serum titres of acidstable antiviral activity, presumably IFN-~,fl and NK cell activities were determined in various mouse strains at different times after intracerebral infection. The two viral isolates induced comparable IFN-c~,fl serum titres and caused similar NK activities in the same mouse strain. Between different mouse strains, marked differences in the kinetics and amount of IFN production were observed, yet there was no correlation with the susceptibility to the two UBC LCMV substrains. Additionally, there was no correlation between the magnitude of the IFN-e,fl serum titres and the NK activities induced in the spleen by the viral inocula. Overall, the findings suggest that levels of circulating IFN-c~,//are only of minor importance for the development of LCM disease. , 1960); locally many isolates of LCMV cause an immunologically T cellmediated, lethal central nervous system disease in most mouse strains (Jacobson & Pfau, 1980, Pfau et al., 1982. The susceptibility of congenic mice to the two plaque variants Docile and Aggressive of LCMV UBC has been shown to be mouse strain-dependent (Zinkernagel et al., 1985). Of the mouse strains investigated in this study, A/J, BALB/c, B10. Br and C57BL/6 mice were susceptible to LCMV Aggressive and resistant to LCMV Docile; B10.AKM, B10.G, DBA/1 and SWR/J were killed by both LCMV isolates; CBA/J mice survived i.c. inoculation of LCMV Aggressive and DBA/2 mice were resistant to both viruses. ICR +/+ outbred mice were susceptible to both viral isolates whereas ICR nu/nu mice survived i.c. inoculation of LCMV Docile and Aggressive.
Intracerebral (i.c.) injection of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus (LCMV) into mice causes a systemic infection because most of the inoculum escapes from the brain via blood vessels (MiresInterferons (IFN) play an important role in recovery from acute primary viral infections. The use ofanti-IFN serum to neutralize IFN which is liberated by infected cells leads to uncontrolled spread of virus and rapid evolution of lethal disease in encephalomyocarditis, herpes simplex, t Present address: