Most previous research tests market efficiency and asset pricing models using average abnormal trading profits on dynamic trading strategies, and typically rejects the joint hypothesis. In contrast, we measure the ability of a simple risk model and the efficient-market hypothesis to explain the level of stock prices. First, we find that cash-flow betas (measured by regressing firms' earnings on the market's earnings) explain the prices of value and growth stocks well, with a plausible premium.Second, we use a present-value model to decompose the cross-sectional variance of firms' price-tobook ratios into two components due to risk-adjusted fundamental value and mispricing. When we allow the discount rates to vary with cash-flow betas, the variance share of mispricing is negligible. Most previous research uses average abnormal trading profits on dynamic trading strategies to test market efficiency and asset pricing models. The joint hypothesis of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and market efficiency is typically rejected by these tests. The economic significance of these rejections is usually evaluated based on Sharpe ratios (average return over return standard deviation) of zero-investment strategies that do not expose the investor to systematic risks. The discovery of economically high Sharpe ratios has lead many to reject the CAPM and efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) as a good approximate description of the stock market. 1 We argue that asset pricing models and market efficiency should be evaluated by their ability to explain stock-price levels, not by their ability to explain the average returns on frequently-rebalanced dynamic trading strategies. The price-level criterion is superior to the Sharpe-ratio criterion for the following reasons. First, although available Sharpe ratios are clearly the main object of interest to a professional money manager, the level of price is more relevant to most other economic decision makers.For example, a corporate manager making a large long-term investment decision cannot engage in a dynamic trading strategy of investing or divesting a small fraction every month, depending on stock-market conditions. Thus, if the price is approximately "right," the impact of the stock market to his/her investment decisions is also likely to be consistent with market efficiency, and the high available Sharpe ratios only an interesting side show.Second, tests of market efficiency that are based on trading profits typically use high-frequency return covariances or betas to adjust for risk. Although such a practice is consistent with jointly testing a sharp null 1 Fama (1970Fama ( , 1991 surveys the empirical literature on testing market efficiency. Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam (1998) survey the recent evidence on trading strategies that would have produced abnormal profits and high Sharpe ratios. Hansen and Jagannathan (1991) show that in a frictionless rational-expectations model, available Sharpe ratios are related to the variability of marginal utility. MacK...