Molecular approaches to primate evolutionary relationships have been in use for 25 years. Recent advances in nucleic acid technology have permitted increasing resolution in assessing the topology and timing of primate phylogeny. The basics of these new approaches and their possibilities and limitations are set forth in reference to hominoid evolution. Specific reference is made to recent research involving DNA-DNA liquid hybridization, restriction mapping, and nucleic acid sequencing. These approaches are unanimous in establishing an African ape-human clade within the hominoids; orangutans share a more recent common ancestor with this clade than does the gibbon. Present data on the form of the tree uniting chimps, gorilla, and human are not compelling. Currently, it appears somewhat more likely that chimps and humans shared a most recent common ancestor, but a strong case can be made for a tree that joins chimp and gorilla. The tree uniting humans and gorillas cannot be disregarded. For present purposes, a trifurcation, though probably not literally correct, is a reasonable reconstruction. Molecular information is proving especially useful in setting the time frame for hominoid evolution as well as drastically limiting the number of trees that can be reasonably entertained. As the technology becomes more sophisticated, it can be hoped that the ability to discriminate between trees will increase. It will be necessary to maintain a continuing dialogue between morphological and molecular biologists to insure cross-fertilization of ideas about hominoid relations.The persistence of the chemical blood relationships between the various groups of animals serves to carry us back into geological times, and I believe . , . that it will lead to valuable results in the study of various problems of evolution.
Nuttall, 1904The outline of hominoid evolution has undergone a major reappraisal in recent years. The grouping of African apes with the orangutan in the family Pongidae and the positioning of humans in the family Hominidae has been the taxonomic convention. This grouping also has been presumed to reflect phylogenetic relationships. This framework for viewing hominoid evolution and taxonomy persisted for many years, from prior to World War 11 (e.g., Schultz, 1936) to well afterward (Le Gros Clark, 19591, though the possibility of other trees was entertained (Straus, 1949). In the 1960s the last common ancestor of humans and the African apes was being placed in the late Oligocene-early Miocene, roughly 25 MYA, by authorities such as
YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY[Vol. 30, 1987 Simons (1967). The mainstream view in the late 1970s still involved a close relationship between Pongo, Pa% and Gorilla (Tuttle, 1975;Pilbeam, 1979). Yet there had been for some time a minority that advocated a much closer relationship between humans and the African apes. Dubois (1896) was of this opinion, as were Elliot Smith (1924) and, seemingly, Gregory (1916. In the 1960s, this view received new impetus with the publication of ext...