Power spectra of cortical potentials at frequencies of 1-60 Hz were assessed in subjects in the state of resting with the eyes open, after listening to instructions, and during the prestimulus periods at the stages of forming and testing a cognitive set to a facial expression. Comparative assessment of power spectra in five frequency ranges (2-7, 8-13, 14-20, 21-40, and 41-60 Hz) showed significant decreases in the power of potentials in the 1-20 Hz frequency band in most subjects, along with a parallel increase in power in the 21-60 Hz band in all states, as compared with the resting state. Interregional differences in power were maximal in the 2-7 and 41-60 Hz bands and minimal in the 14-20 Hz band. In terms of power dynamics in the states being compared, intergroup differences were seen only at the test stage. Thus, a larger proportion of subjects with the plastic type of set had greater power in the gamma frequency range than was the case in subjects with the rigid type of set.