Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics suffer for mismatching among the operating conditions of different regions of installations. Safety is another typical concern. In this work, we propose to face both issues by arranging the solar array in several sections provided with individual converters, capable to operate in the MPPT mode. Each converter is insulated, so that several converters are connected in series in order to reach the desired dc-link voltage, while maintaining the maximum voltage across the solar array within safety limits. The approach was tested by means of a demonstrator consisting of N3 flyback converters. Each converter was equipped with separate MPPT. The proposed system was characterised under variable shading conditions. We verified that the dc-link voltage tends to distribute among outputs of single module converters proportionally to the respective input power. In the presence of high levels of shading it was advantageous with respect to other PV plant configurations. © 2013 IEEE