Internet of Things (IoT) device data enables diverse applications. However, the quality of data are non-standardized and difficult to quantify. While poor quality data may be usable, establishing error bounds supports IoT's use in critical applications. National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) have long tradition in making measurement data trustworthy, and they are now working to digitalize these practices. This paper forwards that agenda by presenting a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based concept to leverage digital metrology for IoT data and devices. Digital Calibration Certificates (DCCs) offer a solution for describing, certifying, authenticating, and securing IoT data quality. With DCCs, measurement device (sensor) calibration information may be included as metadata alongside samples captured by a device. Metadata may include device identification, which serves as proof-of-origin for measurements and samples, and timing data, to ensure its "freshness." DCCs enhance communicating the quality of captured information among devices, services, and applications, thereby supporting IoT's use in domains with strict error constraints. Our proposed concept securely validates DCC-based (meta)data traceability chain from NMIs and devices to data end-users with cryptographic measures, rendering IoT data trustworthy for critical applications.