Thyroid autoimmune reactions start with an accumulation of mainly dendritic cells in the thyroid. There is increasing evidence that, apart from being antigen-presenting cells, they are also able to control the growth and hormone synthesis of neighbouring endocrine cells. The questions thus arise: are dendritic cells accumulating in the pre-autoimmune thyroid in response to an altered proliferative or metabolic activity of thyrocytes, and do cytokines, monocyte chemoattractants, or both, have a role in their accumulation? We have investigated these questions in thyrocytes of the biobreeding diabetes-prone (BB-DP) rat in relation to the start of the intrathyroid accumulation of dendritic cells -that is, at about 9 weeks of age.BB-DP rats and Wistar rats (controls) were studied from 3 to 20 weeks of age. Hyperplastic goitre development was studied by assessing the thyroid weight and by measuring the number of thyrocyte nuclei per 0·01 mm 2 thyroid section. In addition, the in situ expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumour necrosis factor-(TNF-), monocyte-chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were studied by immunohistochemistry. The in vitro proliferative capacity of BB-DP and Wistar thyrocytes was measured by tritiated-thymidine ([ 3 H]TdR) and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation into reconstituted, TSHand non-TSH-stimulated, cultured thyroid follicles. Further in vitro studies consisted of measurement of the production of thyroxine (T 4 ), triiodothyronine (T 3 ), thyroglobulin, IL-6, TNF-and MCP-1 by the thyroid follicles.BB-DP rats developed a small hyperplastic goitre between the ages of 9 and 12 weeks. The in vitro proliferative rate of thyrocytes isolated from hyperplastic BB-DP thyroids was significantly lower than that of Wistar thyrocytes. This phenomenon also occurred in follicles isolated from BB-DP rats before hyperplastic goitre development, which produced significantly less T 4 , but more T 3 , than did Wistar follicles of the same age. At the time of and after hyperplastic goitre development, BB-DP follicles exhibited altered metabolic behaviour and produced significantly more T 4 , but equal amounts of T 3 compared with both Wistar follicles of the same age and follicles of younger BB-DP rats (both under basal conditions and TSH-stimulated).In vitro IL-6 production by these BB-DP thyroid follicles was also increased. There was no noteworthy difference in production of thyroglobulin and MCP-1 between BB-DP and Wistar follicles at any age. TNF-was not produced by BB-DP or Wistar thyroid follicles.Immunohistochemistry revealed the expression of IL-6 by both BB-DP and Wistar thyroid follicle cells at all times of sampling. MCP-1 and TNF-were expressed only when infiltrates were present in BB-DP thyroids (restricted to leucocytes, ages >18 weeks). Modest ICAM-1 expression was restricted to large blood vessels in both BB-DP and Wistar thyroids; in the case of infiltrates (BB-DP rat) alone, high ICAM-1 expression was found on blood vessels and leucocytes...