DOI: 10.1007/s00406-014-0533-5
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Interleukin-6: the missing element of the neurocognitive deterioration in schizophrenia? The focus on genetic underpinnings, cognitive impairment and clinical manifestation

Abstract: The influence of the immune system deregulation on the risk of schizophrenia is increasingly recognized. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) level together with the polymorphism in its gene (IL6 -174G/C) and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels on clinical manifestation and cognition in schizophrenia patients. We recruited 151 patients with schizophrenia and 194 healthy control subjects. Psychopathology was evaluated using Operational Criteria for Psych… Show more

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Cited by 77 publications
(91 citation statements)
References 48 publications
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“…In spite of this the association of IL6 À174G > C polymorphism with Bipolar Disorder has been tested only once (Clerici et al, 2009), just reporting the association of the IL6 À174C allele with a lower mean age at onset. In schizophrenia, individual studies dealing with IL6 À174G > C polymorphism yielded contrasting results (Frydecka et al, 2014). However, the most recent study (Frydecka et al, 2014) reported an additive effect of IL6 À174G allele on the severity of positive symptoms in schizophrenic Polish patients, and in line with our results, no significant differences were found in cognitive performance of schizophrenic patients with respect to the IL6 À174G > C polymorphism.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 83%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…In spite of this the association of IL6 À174G > C polymorphism with Bipolar Disorder has been tested only once (Clerici et al, 2009), just reporting the association of the IL6 À174C allele with a lower mean age at onset. In schizophrenia, individual studies dealing with IL6 À174G > C polymorphism yielded contrasting results (Frydecka et al, 2014). However, the most recent study (Frydecka et al, 2014) reported an additive effect of IL6 À174G allele on the severity of positive symptoms in schizophrenic Polish patients, and in line with our results, no significant differences were found in cognitive performance of schizophrenic patients with respect to the IL6 À174G > C polymorphism.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 83%
“…Moreover, the mediation analysis poses the IL6 À174G > C polymorphism as an immunogenetic bridge between infectious disease rate and IQ. Indeed, extensive evidence suggests that IL6 may influence cognitive functioning (Frydecka et al, 2014). Studies on healthy adults indicate that IL6 plasma level negatively correlates with semantic fluency (Gimeno et al, 2008), as well as auditory recognition memory, attention, working memory, and executive functions (Marsland et al, 2006).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Of those, 76 were excluded on the basis of the title and the abstract, leaving 48 studies for further evaluation. Twenty-six studies fulfiled our inclusion criteria, 19 for the between-group meta-analysis of SZ versus control, 14,[17][18][19]21,24,25,[27][28][29][30][31][33][34][35][36]38,39,41 6 for the withingroup meta-analysis of CRP changes after initiation of antipsychotics 20,21,23,27,32,37 and 3 for the within-group metaanalysis of CRP changes with substitution of the type of the antipsychotic. 22,26,40 Some studies provided more than one pairwise comparison, as whenever possible we extracted data according to medication status.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Tako, najnovija studija Frydecka i sar. [45] čiji je cilj bio ispitati uticaj IL-6 zajedno sa polimorfizmom tog gena (IL6 -174G/C) i visoko osetljivog C-reaktivnog proteina na kliničke manifestacije i kogniciju kod obolelih od shizofrenije, je pokazala da IL6 -174G/C polimorfizam ne utiče na nivoe IL-6, ali da je isti povezan sa teži-nom pozitivnih simptoma. Takodje, autori smatraju da poviseni nivoi IL-6 mogu imati značajnu ulogu u kognitivnom oštećenju i biti inflamatorni marker deteorijacije kod ove grupe obolelih.…”
Section: Alteracije Citokina Zapažene Kod Obolelih Od Shizofrenije-klunclassified