Anomalous structural characteristics of the so-called first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) that arises in the total static structure functions of network-forming glasses and liquids at around 1 2 − Å −1 have been reviewed and discussed in details. Unlike other peaks in the static structure functions, the FSDP has anomalous dependencies on temperature, pressure and composition. Despite the fact that the FSDP is considered as a signature of intermediate range order (IRO) in network-forming glasses and liquids, its structural origin remains unclear and till now, it forms a subject of debate. A brief account for some anomalous characteristics of the FSDP followed by the different controversial interpretations about its structural origin has been reviewed and discussed. Some of the interpretations that seem to be inconsistent with recent experimental results have been ruled out. The most likely structural origins for the occurrence of the FSDP have been highlighted and discussed in details.wave vector Q ( 4π sinθ λ = , where λ is the wavelength of the incident radiation and 2θ is the scattering angle) in the range 1 -2 Å −1 , and it has many structural anomalies [3] that have put this peak a subject of debate for more than two decades ago.Conventional neutron or X-ray scattering techniques involves measuring the static structure function, ( ) S Q , of the corresponding material which is then Fourier transformed to obtain the real-space correlations. Here, the ( ) S Q function is decomposed into sin waves of constant amplitude. Hence, Fourier transformation of a ( ) S Q that is delocalized over the observed Q-range results in relatively sharp features in the real space, giving rise to the first and second neighbor shells of atoms in the structure, more difficultly, when ( ) S Q has features that are localized in a limited Q-range (such as the FSDP). In this case, Fourier transformation results in rather delocalized features in the real space, conveying little information about the involved interatomic correlations. This difficulty makes it hard to elucidate the precise structural origin of the FSDP, despite the fact that the FSDP gives a clue to the extent of intermediate range order in the amorphous material. The position (Q 1 ) of the FSDP in reciprocal space suggests that Fourier components of period ≈