Abstract. We present a calculation of the nuclear level density e)ph(E) for a fixed number of particles p and holes h, taking into account the energy dependence of the singleparticle level density g (s). We demonstrate the significant effects of the finite depth of the potential well (continuum effect) and the finite surface thickness of the nucleus on the value of COph(E). 24.10; 21.10 The essential element of the exciton model of nuclear reactions is the level density con(E) of the nucleus in a state with excitation energy E and n excited quasiparticles. The value of con(E) depends crucially on the single-particle level density 9(8). Usually the assumption of a constant single-particle level density is made to obtain the density con(E) in a convenient analytical form [1][2][3][4][5]. Some generalization can be done taking into account a slow a-dependence of g(a) at the Fermi energy [6]. We add that in [7] g(e) was assumed to be constant inside the potential and zero outside the well. These approaches provide a good approximation in the low energy region, where the influence of the finite depth of the potential well can be neglected. However, increasing the excitation energy E leads to an increase of the partial contribution of high excited single-particle states into c0n(E). Discretizing the continuum states, by adopting an infinite potential well, by putting the nucleus in an infinite box or by locating the energies of the single-particle resonances leads to a singleparticle level density g(a) which increases with a in the continuum region. This increase of g(a) with s is rather spurious and it is due to the fact that g(s) includes the contribution of the free gas states. In fact, with the subtraction of the contribution of the free gas states, g(e), for a (realistic) finite potential well, such as a Woods Saxon potential, actually decreases with s in the continuum region [8]. This has been demonstrated recently [8], in an exact quantum mechanical calculation, using a Green's function approach for calculating g(s) in the continuum, for a finite potential well, such as a Woods-Saxon potential. Therefore, a proper accounting of the continuum states, i.e. the decrease of g(e) with e, and the effect of the diffuseness of the potential well should be taken into account in determining con(E), especially for the case of a low-number of quasiparticle configurations. We point out that in [7], where a finite potential well was considered, the contribution from the continuum states was omitted. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of the finite depth (i.e., effects of the continuum) and the diffuseness of the single-particle potential on the particle-hole excitation density. We adopt for this purpose a finite potential well of a trapezoidal form. It has been shown that for this potential one has for g(e): (i) An excellent agreement with g(a) obtained from a corresponding Woods-Saxon well; (ii) The Thomas-Fermi approximation, gTP(s), provides an excellent approximation to the smooth level density, g~(a...