Two aspects of turbulent flows have been the subject of extensive, split
research efforts: macroscopic properties, such as the frictional drag
experienced by a flow past a wall, and the turbulent spectrum. The turbulent
spectrum may be said to represent the fabric of a turbulent state; in practice
it is a power law of exponent \alpha (the "spectral exponent") that gives the
revolving velocity of a turbulent fluctuation (or "eddy") of size s as a
function of s. The link, if any, between macroscopic properties and the
turbulent spectrum remains missing. Might it be found by contrasting the
frictional drag in flows with differing types of spectra? Here we perform
unprecedented measurements of the frictional drag in soap-film flows, where the
spectral exponent \alpha = 3 and compare the results with the frictional drag
in pipe flows, where the spectral exponent \alpha = 5/3. For moderate values of
the Reynolds number Re (a measure of the strength of the turbulence), we find
that in soap-film flows the frictional drag scales as Re^{-1/2}, whereas in
pipe flows the frictional drag scales as Re^{-1/4} . Each of these scalings may
be predicted from the attendant value of \alpha by using a new theory, in which
the frictional drag is explicitly linked to the turbulent spectrum. Our work
indicates that in turbulence, as in continuous phase transitions, macroscopic
properties are governed by the spectral structure of the fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure