Please cite this article as: Iu. Gudyma, A. Maksymov, L. Spinu, Size effects in spincrossover nanoparticles in framework of 2D and 3D Ising-like breathing crystal field model, Applied Surface Science (2015), http://dx.A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p tWe study the behavior of thermal hysteresis loop in spin-crossover magnetic nanoparticles with stochastic external perturbation, The dependence of system behavior on its dimensionality and size effects were examined.The spin-crossover compounds were described in framework of Ising-like model with breathing crystal field, and were analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations based on Metropolis transition probabilities.The action of fluctuations may enlarge the hysteresis width, but this enlargement is strongly dependent on the system size.
AbstractThe spin-crossover nanoparticles of different sizes and stochastic perturbations in external field taking into account the influence of the dimensionality of the lattice was studied. The analytical tools used for the investigation of spin-crossover system are based on an Ising-like model described using of the breathing crystal field concept. The changes of transition temperatures characterizing the systems' bistable properties for 2D and 3D lattices, and their dependence on its size and fluctuations strength were obtained. The state diagrams with hysteretic and non-hysteretic behavior regions have also been determined.