Fine-structure transitions of alkali atoms induced by collisions with diatomic molecules are shown to be strongly influenced by a dynamical feature that is completely absent when the collision partner is a rare gas. The effect is a nonadiabatic coupling caused by the anisotropy of the molecule. Calculations for Rb(5 2 P 1 / 2 ) +H 2 and for Rb(5 2 P 1 / 2 ) +He are in good agreement with recent experiments and explain the dramatic difference between these two systems.PACS numbers: 34.10,+x, 34.50.-sThe collisional mixing of fine-structure levels of alkali atoms by various perturbers illustrates the interplay of several fundamental mechanisms. The process iswhere A is an alkali and X may be a rare gas or a diatomic molecule. In the former case, the scattering has been extensively investigated, and is well understood in terms of the analysis of Nikitin. 1 When the target is a molecule, experimental studies have generally shown that the cross section for process (1) becomes larger, sometimes by more than an order of magnitude.Previous theoretical analysis has generally invoked two mechanisms to explain such differences. First, passage through an intermediate complex A + X~ is sometimes assumed to cause mixing of the fine-structure levels. 2 Second, if there is a near resonance between the fine-structure splitting A£ and a rotational transition of the molecule, the cross section may be enhanced. 3 " 6 In the present paper we present another mechanism, which has not previously been identified, and whose origin is essentially the simplest distinguishing feature of the alkali-molecule system, its reduced symmetry. For collisions between an alkali atom and a rare gas, Nikitin 1 has shown how the electronic states of H e i and the fine-structure splitting Ae determine the adiabatic states and couplings of the full Hamiltonian H=H eX +H so (electronic plus spin orbit). The 2 and n states of H e i are degenerate asymptotically, and split as the internuclear distance R decreases. Corresponding adiabatic states A 2 U 1 / 2 and B 2 Z x / 2 of H are asymptotically separated by the fine-structure splitting A€. They are strongly coupled near the region where the splitting of the states Z and IT of H e i is equal to Ae. For rare-gas targets, there are of course two II electronic states, which are degenerate. For molecular targets, the nomenclature changes somewhat, but effectively the degeneracy of the two II states is lifted by the anisotropy of the molecule. Consequently the adiabatic states of H e i+H %Q experience an additional coupling near the region where the splitting of the two II-like states of i/ e i is equal to Ae.I will illustrate this effect by the following analysis of the collision. Let the system alkali plus diatomic molecule be described by an electronic Hamiltonian H el whose matrix elements in the basis of the alkali orbitals np xy np y> and np z are H xx , H xyy etc. This Hamiltonian has been discussed by Rebentrost and Lester. 4 The matrix elements of H el are functions of R and 0, which define in the usual ...