The absolute intensity of the internal bremsstrahlung spectrum accompanying the electron capture decay of I has been measured and compared to the recent calculation of Suric et al. The measured intensity above the 1 s end point is found to be (86~10)% of the calculated intensity.PACS number(s): 23.40.s. 14.60. Pq, 27.60.+j In 1981 De Rujula [1]suggested that the end-point shape of the internal bremsstrahlung (IB) spectrum which accompanies electron capture decay (IBEC) might be sensitive to the mass of the neutrino. The sensitivity is obtained for decays with end-point energies that are (a) small, and (b) close to an x-ray transition energy. De Rujula's suggestion spurred searches for an investigation of IBEC decays with low Q values, where the IB spectrum is dominated by capture from p orbitals. A group at CERN [2] carried out detailed measurements on the IBEC decay of ' Pt to test the theoretical calculations of De Rujula. Although the calculations reproduced the measured shapes of the IB spectra, the magnitudes were off by factors of 1.5 to 2. Recently, Suric, Horvat, and Pisk [3] developed a code to calculate IBEC matrix elements in an independent-particle approximation, with atomic wave functions obtained from a relativistic self-consistent-field potential. Their calculated spectrum for ' Pt was also lower than the data by about a factor of 2. There are very few other accurate measurements of the absolute intensity of low-Qvalue IB spectra which could be used to test the theoretical calculations. The recent use of IB spectra to search for the 17 keV neutrino [4 -9], and to establish accurate EC decay Q 10 10 10 A" 10 C) 10 0 10' 10 10 values [4] highlights the need for further tests of the IBEC theory, especially for decays with low Q values.During the course of our experiment to search for 17 keV neutrinos in the IB spectrum of ' I [4] we obtained absolutely calibrated IB spectra; however, because of the large difference in the x-ray count rate from the ' I source ( -100 mCi) and from available calibration sources (a few p, Ci), we were unable to (easily) calibrate the ' I source strength and hence to give the absolute intensity of the IB spectrum. Several half-lives have now elapsed since the completion of the IB measurement and the source strength has become sufficiently low to allow an absolute calibration. We present in this Brief Report the absolutely calibrated IB spectrum and compare the intensity to the theoretical calculation of Suric et al. [3].To determine the source activity, the yield of Te K x rays and of the 35.5-keV y ray from the decay of the ' Te isomer were measured using a planar Ge detector with no absorbers and with the source at a distance of 16.5 cm from the detector. The intensities of the Kcr, KP, and 35.5-keV lines were taken respectively as 1.135~0.021, 0.255 0.006, and 0.0658~0.0008 per decay [10]. The absolute efficiency of the detector as a function of energy was obtained from calibrated Co, ' Cd, and ' Ba point sources. The resulting activity of the source, at the time of c...