The Internal Bremsstrahlung (IB) spectra emitted in the beta decays of t4C and 36C1 are measured with a HPGe detector and a multichannel analyser along with a standard geometrical set up. The experimental results are compared with the corresponding theoretical distributions due to Knipp and Uhlenbeck and Bloch (KUB), Lewis and Ford, Nilsson and also due to Chang and Falkoff. The total IB yields of intensity and of energy from each of the isotopes in the investigated energy regions are also determined and compared with the corresponding theoretical values. The present results of IB from 14C are found to be in excess over all the corresponding theoretical distributions throughout the investigated photon energy region from 60 keV to 130 keV. It may also be pointed out that the IB from this isotope has not been studied earlier and as such the results in this case are considered new and important. In the case of 36C1 the experimental results are found to be above KUB theory but corresponding closely to the theory of Chang and Falkoff, except below 150 keV where there is experimental excess over theory.