We present millikelvin studies of magnetoconductance in submicron wires of In-doped n+-CdTe and n+-Cd0.99Μn0.01Te epilayers. Weak-field magnetoresistance which arises from quantum localization as well as universal conductance fluctuations have been observed. The exchange coupling to magnetic impuritles is slown to decrease the correlatioii field of the fluctnations. This novel echect is interpreted by invoking a new driving mechanism of the magnetoconductance fluctuations -the redistribution of the electrons between energy levels of the system, induced by the giant s-d spin-splitting of the electronic states.PACS numbers: 72.15. Rn, 73.20.Fz, 73.61.Ga In mesoscopic regime, where the linear size of a conductor L, becomes comparable to the phase breaking length L^ and/or thermal diffusion length LT, quantum interference of transition amplitudes corresponding to various possible electron trajectories leads to random but reproducible fluctuations of the conductance as a function of external parameters such as a magnetic field [1]. This phenomenon is known as the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) as their mean amplitude is remarkably insensitive to system properties. The fluctuation pattern, on the other hand, is extremely sensitive to the actual distribution of scattering potential in a given sample. Thus, the presence of magnetic impurities, because of their exchange coupling to the carriers, can considerably affect quantum transport phenomena. In particular, a perturbing potential associated with frozen spins leads to violation of the Onsager-Büttiker symmetry relations in mesoscopic samples [2,3]. The fluctuating spins, on the other hand, are an efficient source of the conductance noise [1,4] which, after time-averaging, results in a damping of the fluctuation amplitude [5,6].