The amino acid sequences of transmembrane regions of helical membrane proteins are highly constrained, diverging at slower rates than their extramembrane regions and than water-soluble proteins. Moreover, helical membrane proteins seem to fall into fewer families than water-soluble proteins. The reason for the differential restrictions on sequence remains unexplained. Here, we show that the evolution of transmembrane regions is slowed by a previously unrecognized structural constraint: Transmembrane regions bury more residues than extramembrane regions and soluble proteins. This fundamental feature of membrane protein structure is an important contributor to the differences in evolutionary rate and to an increased susceptibility of the transmembrane regions to disease-causing single-nucleotide polymorphisms.disease mutation ͉ potassium channel ͉ protein folding ͉ protein stability ͉ single nucleotide polymorphisms E volutionary rates vary considerably in different cellular compartments (1). Membrane proteins have been found to diverge faster overall than soluble proteins (2, 3), but this increased rate is confined entirely to the rapidly evolving extramembrane regions. Transmembrane regions, on average, diverge much more slowly than the extramembrane regions more slowly than soluble proteins (1, 4-6).A major factor controlling protein sequence divergence is the need to preserve protein function by maintaining a folded structure (7). Because the physical forces that drive folding can change with environment, proteins in different cellular locations can be subject to distinct evolutionary constraints. Membrane proteins, in particular, must accommodate to a dramatically varied environment, ranging from hydrocarbon chains in the bilayer core to water as they emerge from the membrane (8, 9). It therefore seems possible that distinct structural imperatives found in different environments could be an important contributor to evolutionary rates. An obvious sequence adaptation is the hydrophobic matching of the protein exterior, reflected in an apolar transmembrane amino acid composition. Although amino acid diversity is more limited in the transmembrane segments, simple compositional differences do not explain the slower divergence rates of transmembrane regions (1, 4, 5).Here, we find that the transmembrane regions of membrane proteins bury more residues on average than soluble proteins and much more than extramembrane regions, a possible mechanism for increasing stabilization in the absence of the hydrophobic effect. Because buried residues evolve at slower rates than surface residues (10-12), the higher level of residue burial in the transmembrane regions leads to slower sequence divergence. Moreover, we find that higher residue burial may explain a higher prevalence of disease-causing mutations in the transmembrane region of membrane proteins compared with the extramembrane regions.
Results and DiscussionTransmembrane Regions Bury More Residues. Fig. 1A shows plots of the fractional surface area buried per residue v...