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AUTHOR(S)Hamid Dehghani, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)Optical tomography is a non-invasive imaging technique that can image properties of biological tissue. Measurements of light propagation through tissue can be used to calculate and reconstruct images of internal optical properties. Since the absorption and scattering of light in the tissue is a function its physiological state, the aim is to calculate maps of physiological parameters, which can be early markers of tumor development. Specifically the aim is to image total hemoglobin, oxygen saturation, water and lipid concentrations, as well as potentionally molecular concentrations when used with fluorescent markers. Cancerous regions within the breast have shown to be physiologically different from normal tissue. These include a higher amount of angiogenesis and higher metabolic rate as compared to normal tissue. These differences will result in a change in optical attenuation and scatter of light due to hemoglobin changes, which will cause a change in the measured tomographic boundary data. Light transport modeling of propagation in tissue can be used to calculate maps of optical changes within the breast, and therefore physiological maps of total hemoglobin and oxygen saturation.
Breast Cancer
Body 4Key Research Accomplishments 4Reportable Outcomes 4
Conclusions 8References 8Appendices 8Introduction In this work, a novel imaging technique is explored that uses non-harmful application of near infrared light to determine the properties of tissue. Using this technique, known as near infrared (NIR) tomography, an optical fiber placed on the surface of the region of interest, the breast, delivers an input signal while other optical fibers placed at different locations on the same surface detect the outcoming photons, which have propagated through the volume under investigation. The intensity and path-length distributions of the exiting light provide information about the optical properties of the transilluminated tissue using a model-based interpretation where photon propagation is simulated by the diffusion theory. Through iterative solution to match the theory to the real measurements, images of internal absorption and scattering coefficient distribution can be reconstructed. Tissue optical properties have shown to be a function of their structure and more import...