Motivated by the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture for asymptotically AdS spacetimes, we initiate the study of massive scalar waves satisfying g ψ − µψ = 0 on the interior of Anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes. We prescribe initial data on a spacelike hypersurface of a Reissner-Nordström-AdS black hole and impose Dirichlet (reflecting) boundary conditions at infinity. It was known previously that such waves only decay at a sharp logarithmic rate (in contrast to a polynomial rate as in the asymptotically flat regime) in the black hole exterior. In view of this slow decay, the question of uniform boundedness in the black hole interior and continuity at the Cauchy horizon has remained up to now open. We answer this question in the affirmative.Conjecture 1 (C 0 formulation of strong cosmic censorship). For generic compact or asymptotically flat (asymptotically Anti-de Sitter) vacuum initial data, the maximal Cauchy development of (EE) is inextendible as a Lorentzian manifold with C 0 (continuous) metric.Surprisingly, the C 0 formulation (Conjecture 1) was recently proved to be false for both cases Λ = 0 and Λ > 0 (see discussion later, [17]). However, the following weaker, yet well-motivated, formulation introduced by Christodoulou in [9] is still expected to hold true (at least) in the asymptotically flat case (Λ = 0).Conjecture 2 (Christodoulou's re-formulation of strong cosmic censorship). For generic asymptotically flat vacuum initial data, the maximal Cauchy development of (EE) is inextendible as a Lorentzian manifold with C 0 (continuous) metric and locally square integrable Christoffel symbols.1 More precisely, this holds true for subextremal and non-trivially rotating(charged) Kerr(Reissner-Nordström) black holes which we will assume for the rest of the paper, unless explicitly stated otherwise.In order to gain insight about SCC, the most naive approach (often referred to as "poor man's linearization") is to study solutions of (1.1) with µ = 0 on a fixed explicit black hole spacetime (e.g. Kerr or Reissner-Nordström). This can be considered as the most naive toy model for (EE) with initial data close to Kerr or Reissner-Nordström data, for which many features of (EE) including the non-linear terms and the tensorial structure are neglected; see the pioneering works for asymptotically flat (Λ = 0) black holes [60,48,49,8]. Under the identification ψ ∼ g and ∂ψ ∼ Γ, where ψ is a solution to (1.1), Conjecture 1 corresponds to a failure of ψ to be continuous (C 0 ) at the Cauchy horizon. Similarly, Conjecture 2 corresponds to a failure of ψ to lie in H 1 loc at the Cauchy horizon. The state of the art for Λ = 0 and Λ > 0. The definitive disproof [17] of Conjecture 1 was preceded by corresponding results on the level of (1.1).Linear level for Λ = 0. In the asymptotically flat case (Λ = 0) it was shown in [26,27] (see also [34]) that solutions of (1.1) with µ = 0 arising from data on a spacelike hypersurface remain continuous and uniformly bounded (no C 0 blow-up) at the Cauchy horizon of general subextremal Kerr or...