The article examines the experience of the practical application of video, audio, text and Internet components of media education in the process of formation and development of linguistic and cultural patterns by foreign students at universities and colleges in the US. It focuses on the contribution of linguistic and cultural patterns to more effective acculturation of a foreign student and, subsequently, their ability to have quality interpersonal interactions academically and socially. The analysis of the theoretical framework of the media education components and programs using certain media components is based on research methods such as analysis and synthesis (which allowed separating and combining practical programs and identify existing connections within a program that ensured the integrity of the adaptation training of foreign students), deduction (which, in fact, allowed singling out the video, audio, text and Internet components of media educations in the educational, cultural, linguistic and psychological elements of the acculturation triad), induction (in order to classify the practical programs of the US HEIs by media education components), classification (which provided the interpretation of the Internet direction of adaptation training as a separate component of media education), analogy (demonstrating the existence of close connections and similar characteristics between the media education components, which make them complementary). In the course of examination of the influence of media education on adaptation programs in the US HEIs, we identified the use of four components: video, audio, text and Internet, which are used both for the "direct" (adaptation of foreign students) and "reverse" (adaptation of representatives of the host country) acculturation. The article emphases that media education components can be used simultaneously (leading to the minimisation of their separate use). Since it is important for foreign students to learn about historical and cultural events that had a direct impact on the society of the host country, as well as to form and develop linguistic and cultural patterns, we created a list of films that have had a historical, social and cultural impact on the society of the United States.