AB STRACTTo achieve an im proved over all un der stand ing of the tec ton ics of Tai wan, an is land-wide mag netic sur vey, es pe cially in the mostly in ac ces si ble moun tain ranges, was car ried out from July 2003 to Feb ru ary 2004. In to tal, 6063 mag netic points were sur veyed at an av er age spac ing of 2 km. Af ter data re duc tions, a new mag netic anom aly map of Tai wan was con structed. The map shows the range of mag netic anom a lies mostly dis trib ut ing be tween -400 to 400 nT. Anom a lies in the south ern part of Tai wan are much higher than those in the north whilst anom a lies in the west ern plains area are higher than those of the mountain ranges.High-fre quency mag netic anom a lies, gen er ally more com plex and lo cal ized, are found in west cen tral (south of 24°N) and south west ern Tai wan. Smooth and gen tle mag netic anom a lies lie over a ma jor part of the moun tain ranges, ex cept in the south ern seg ment of the Cen tral Range. Ac cord ing to the am pli tude of mag netic anom a lies and their cov er age, this im plies that a broad ex tru sive ultramafite body could ex ist be neath the south ern segment of the Central Range.