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Documents inOne of the first practical implementations was initiated in Europe in 2005 under the name "Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communication Services (WAPECS)". WAPECS aimed at providing more flexibility in the European spectrum management framework by allowing using the spectrum on a technology and service neutral basis. At the international level, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) have been keen to introduce more flexibility at the international service allocation framework via different measures.One of the main findings of this paper is the identification of different negative perceptions and disagreement on WAPECS and that WAPECS was driven mainly by the European Commission (EC) and few European countries. In addition, concerns over WAPECS include that the flexibility associated with WAPECS may contradict with spectrum use efficiency and that the responsibility of resolving interference moves from the regulator to operators.The assessment of WAPECS influence on the market shows that while WAPECS concept aimed mainly on removing the spectrum usage restriction for the industry, the later did not appreciate nor welcome that due mainly to the high cost and uncertainty associated with flexibility. On the other hand, the interviews revealed several positive impacts of WAPECS including removing technology designation from CEPT decisions.