In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) has received increasing emphasis and researchers gradually promote it Over the worlds. With the unique abilities to generate virtual objects over the real-world environment, it can enhance user perception. Although AR recognised for their enormous positive impacts, there are still a ton of matters waiting to be discovered. Research studies on AR toward conceptual change, specifically in scientific concept, are particularly limited. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the effect of integrating AR on conceptual change in scientific concepts. Thirty-four primary school students participated in the study. A pre-test and post-test were used to assess participants’ understanding of the scientific concepts before and after learning through AR. The findings demonstrated that 82% among them had misconceptions about the scientific concepts before learning through AR. However, most of them (around 88%) able to correct their misconceptions and shifted to have a scientific conceptual understanding after learning through AR. These findings indicate that AR was effective to be integrated into education to facilitate conceptual change.