Objectives. We present in this article the design and evaluation of a blended learning approach for training community healthcare providers in performing newborn hearing screening (NHS).Methods. We developed a blended learning course for training community healthcare providers on eHealth-enabled NHS, following Bloom’s revised taxonomy of educational objectives. The training involved three components: computer-based training (CBT), face-to-face (FTF) training, and on-site coaching. We used surveys and post-training interviews following Level 1 Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model to get initial feedback on the training program.Results. Thirty-one community healthcare providers from five rural health units and a private hearing screening center, with a mean age of 42.2 ± 12.0 years, participated in the pilot. 93.5% of the participants agreed that the program content met stated objectives and was relevant to their practice. The length of the course was perceived to be adequate. Overall satisfaction with the program was rated at 8.5 ± 0.9 (with ten as the highest). The majority expressed that the CBT and FTF course were satisfactory at 93.5% and 100%, respectively. All participants agreed that the course enhanced their knowledge of newborn hearing screening and telehealth. Positive reviews were received from participants on the use of CBT to improve theoretical knowledge before FTF training. Participants declared that FTF training and on-site coaching helped improved NHS skills and implementation.Conclusion. Competent community healthcare providers are critical to strengthening the performanceof the health system, and advances in the education and technology sectors offer promising potential inupskilling local healthcare providers. The increasing access of Filipino healthcare providers to improvedinformation and communications technology (ICT) is a significant catalyst for pedagogical innovation, like the use of blended learning in the continuous professional development of health practitioners. As ICTs gradually penetrate the health sector, the challenge we now face is not whether but how we can use innovations in education strategies to benefit healthcare providers.