The purpose of this study was to examine the level of readiness of Ethiopian secondary education systems in terms of access to technologies and preparedness in skills and motivation for the integrated use of information communication technologies (ICT) for quality education. To serve this end, a Design‐Reality Gap Analysis approach was employed. Relevant data were collected from teachers, students, and school leaders through a questionnaire survey, and the result was cross‐examined against the national goals and strategies. The Design‐Reality Gap Analysis of integrated use of ICT in classroom teaching in Ethiopian secondary schools thus far revealed fewer successes and widespread challenges in the country's discourse to achieve the 2016‐2020 national targets. The study showed that students have better access to mobile phones and other technologies at home and outside of schools. Major school‐level factors for the gap observed were delay in implementation of a nationwide e‐cloud based ICT infrastructure, lack of coordination for the pedagogical use of ICT, and insufficient capacity building training for teachers and school leaders. This suggests the importance of a strategy that integrates inside‐ and outside of schools ICT resources and services for improved use of ICT in student learning.