The history of centralized matches for postgraduate selection is briefly discussed with a focus on the match instituted by the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN) in 2001] Survey data, conducted both by APPCN and independently, are summarized. In general, despite incomplete participation and an estimated 30% rate of "exploding offers", applicants are somewhat satisfied with the match according to recent surveys (although satisfaction varies depending on whether an applicant matched). Given the high rate of withdrawal, the history of other specialties with suboptimal participation, and the concerns most commonly expressed by participants about this issue in survey data, there is cause for concern. We assert that incomplete participation in the match hurts applicants and programs. We propose that focused efforts are needed involving multiple organizations to enhance the match, including the Clinical Neuropsychology Synarchy (CNS) as our specialty council and the multiple organizations represented on the CNS.