“…This evolutionary innovation involved a medio-dorsal projection of the axons extending from commissural neurons, whereas in non-eutherians these axons turn latero-ventral to cross the midline at the anterior commissure. While in eutherians the anterior commissure connects the anterior olfactory nucleus and the anterior piriform cortex (anterior limb, pars olfactoria), the perirhinal and rostral cortex (posterior limb, pars interhemispherica) and regions of the amygdala (stria terminalis) (Pires-Neto and Lent 1993, Cummings et al 1996, Pires-Neto et al 1998, in marsupials the anterior commissure is the major commissure connecting all those targets, plus most neocortical areas and cingulate cortices (Putnam et al 1968, Heath and Jones 1971, Robinson 1982. Studies in hamsters and rats have shown that, in these species, the pioneering fibres of the anterior commissure, which extend from neurons located in the olfactory (piriform) cortex, cross the midline from embryonic day (E) 14 and E16, respectively (Santacana et al 1992, Pires-Neto and Lent 1993, Silver 1993, Pires-Neto et al 1998, using chemical and physical cues from surrounding guidepost glial cells (Silver et al 1982, Silver 1993, Cummings et al 1996, Pires-Neto et al 1998.…”