Research on large firms suggests that dedicated customer relationship management (CRM) software applications play a critical role in creating and sustaining customer relationships. CRM is also of strategic importance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), but most of them do not employ dedicated CRM software. Instead they use generic Internet-based technologies to manage customer relationships with electronic CRM (eCRM). There has been little research on the extent to which the use of generic Internet technologies contributes to SME performance. The present study fills the gap, building upon the literature on organizational capabilities, marketing, and SMEs to develop a research model with which to explore the relationships between generic Internet technologies, eCRM capabilities, and the resulting performance benefits in the SME context. A survey across 286 SMEs in Ireland finds strong empirical evidence in support of the hypotheses regarding these benefits. The study contributes to managerial decision making by showing how SMEs can use generic Internet technologies to advance their customer relationships and contributes to theory development by conceptualizing eCRM capabilities in an SME context. KEy woRdS And phRASES: CRM, electronic customer relationship management, organizational capabilities, SME.Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the most critical activities of an organization. Broadly defined as "the cross-functional integration of processes, people, operations, and marketing capabilities that is enabled through information technology and applications" [100, p. 168], CRM aims at "creating improved shareholder value through the development of appropriate relationships with key customers and customer segments" [100, p. 168]. The ability of CRM to create direct performance benefits for organizations is widely recognized [26,63,86]. Large firms have increasingly deployed dedicated CRM software applications as a practical means to build or extend their relationships with customers [31,86]. This is evidenced by the recent rapid growth of dedicated CRM application solutions such as Goldmine FrontOffice, Siebel, and Onyx Customer Center [76]. It has also led to the CRM market's becoming a multibillion-dollar industry in the United States alone [133].Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) have long been recognized as an important and integral part of every country's economy, and are also the fastest-growing segment in most markets [131]. While SMEs are disadvantaged as compared to large corporations because of their lack of resources, managerial