We investigate the role of orbital degeneracy in the double exchange (DE) model. In the JH → ∞ limit, an effective generalized "Hubbard" model incorporating orbital pseudospin degrees of freedom is derived. The model possesses an exact solution in one-and in infinite dimensions. In 1D, the metallic phase off "half-filling" is a Luttinger liquid with pseudospin-charge separation. Using the d = ∞ solution for our effective model, we show how many experimental observations for the welldoped (x ≃ 0.3) three-dimensional manganites La1−xSrxM nO3 can be qualitatively explained by invoking the role of orbital degeneracy in the DE model. PACS numbers: 71.28+d,71.30+h, Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) materials are presently the focus of much experimental and theoretical attention 1 . These materials are important technologically, owing to the huge decrease of resistivity in modest external magnetic fields (∆R/R ≃ 100000).Early studies of the models for manganites 2 concentrated on the observed link between magnetic and transport properties and studied the "double exchange" (DE) model. This simple model certainly has had a surprising degree of success in explaining the existence of the low-T ferromagnetic metallic (FM) phase in doped La 1−x Sr x M nO 3 with x = 0.3. However, it has come to be subsequently realized that several features of even the high-T phase at x = 0.3, not to mention the existence of a very rich phase diagram 3 , are inexplicable within the framework of the pure DE model. The insulating "normal" state above T F M c at x = 0.33 points to the existence of additional localizing mechanism/s; various candidates considered are (1) a strong coupling of carriers to phonon degrees of freedom 4 , (2) FM short-range order and/or Berry phase effects in the DE model, leading to fluctuations in the hopping and to carrier localization for sufficiently strong spin disorder 5 . The phase diagram of La 1−x Ca x M nO 3 is very rich with regions of ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and charge order as a function of x 1 . Optical conductivity measurements and photoemission studies 6 have revealed the transfer of spectral weight over large energy scales, a characteristic of strongly correlated systems. In addition, these studies indicate a small discontinuity in the momentum space occupation fn. n(k), showing up the strongly correlated nature of the FM metallic state. However, the low-T electronic specific heat shows only a modest enhancement of about 2-3 times the bandstructure value 7 . The dc resistivity below T F M c follows ρ(T ) = ρ 0 + AT 2 + BT 9/2 ; the first and the last terms can be reconciled with the DE model 7 , but the AT 2 term with a large A decreasing in an applied field, cannot. Recently, Simpson et al. 8 have carried out a careful study of the optical response of La 0.7 A 0.3 M nO 3 ( A=Ca, Sr ) crystals, which are ferromagnetic metals at low-T . In contrast with earlier measurements yielding optical masses very different from those extracted from specific heat data, these authors have found that the ...