We assessed how individual foraging preferences and cognitive performance affect foraging bout interval and the flexibility offoraging behavior in the nectarivorous Green-backed Firecrown(Se/7/7íiKo/aíe5.sep/iaMíOí/e5). Our field experiment evaluated the ability of these hummingbirds to recall nectar-renewal rates in two groups of artificial flowers with the same nectar concentration in the absence of visual cues. In a second experiment, we assessed their ability to remember differences in nectar quality combined with different nectar-renewal intervals, given artificial flowers with identical visual cues. Our results indicate that Green-backed Firecrowns adjusted their foraging intervals according to nectar-renewal rates and, furthermore, that birds were able to recall nectar concentration as well as nectar-renewal rate. Individual differences in memory performance resulted in differences in energy intake. These results strongly suggest that individual preferences and individual cognitive performance could play a central role in energy intake and, therefore, in the probability of survival.
Flexibilidad de la Conducta Alimenticia en los Picaflores: El Rol de las RestriccionesEnergéticas y de las Habilidades Cognitivas .RESUMEN.-Evaluamos cómo las preferencias en el forrajeo y el desempeño cognitivo afectan los intervalos de forrajeo y la flexibilidad en la conducta alimenticia de Sephanoides sephaniodes. En nuestro experimento de campo evaluamos la habilidad de S. sephaniodes para recordar las tasas de renovación de néctar en dos grupos de flores artificiales con la misma concentración de néctar en ausencia de pistas visuales. En el segundo experimento determinamos la capacidad de los picaflores de recordar diferencias en calidad de néctar asociada con diferentes intervalos de renovación de néctar en flores artificiales con idénticas características visuales. Nuestros resultados indican que S. sephaniodes ajusta sus intervalos de forrajeo de acuerdo a las tasas de renovación de néctar y que los individuos son capaces de recordar tanto la concentración como la tasa de renovación del néctar. Las diferencias individuales en la memoria resultaron en diferencias en la energia obtenida. Nuestros resultados sugieren fuertemente que las preferencias individuales y el desempeño cognitivo jugarían un rol clave en la obtención de energía y, por lo tanto, en la probabilidad de supervivencia.IT IS GENERALLY accepted that physiology modulates foraging received little attention despite the fact that they are probably behavior by a variety of mechanisms. For example, enzymatic ac-closely linked to the survival (i.e., fitness) of individuals. tivity and intestinal processing time can limit foraging options Hummingbirds that inhabit temperate zones provide an exand influence the choice of foods to include in the diet and forag-cellent model system to study these issues because of the diverse ing frequency , Martínez del Rio and Stevens factors that converge to shape their foraging ecology. For example, 1989, Martinez del Rio andKa...